What we find in the stillness.
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I have come to believe that one of the greatest reasons we feel forgotten by God, distant from him, and lose our faith in him, or fail to ever find him, hear him, or feel him at all in our lives is because of our failure to be still.
Most of us are addicted to pleasure and distraction. When we aren’t seeking out pleasure, often we are busy doing things that in the end will not matter, God or no God. It is so easy for us to get caught up in the thick of thin things that we fail to be still.
But stillness can be scary, especially if we haven’t ever tried or it’s been too long. When I start to be still I often discover two things. First, and perhaps the scariest for me, is I realize how broken I am. We all are broken in some way. But confronting this brokenness, although necessary is nonetheless painful. Who likes feeling broken?
Second, is that I have to face the existential questions of my life. Why am I here? Does my life have purpose? What happens when I die? These are very difficult, and sometimes troubling questions to wrestle with.
It is easy to see why so many of us opt for pleasure and distraction rather than confront these two sobering and often painful truths. So why be still? Why confront the broken messes of life and the seemingly unanswerable questions?
Here’s one reason. I believe and am coming to know, albeit gradually, that in that stillness we also find the solution, the remedy, the answer because in the stillness we also find God.
Be still and know that I am God
He who created is able to fix what he made. He is also able to answer the hard questions. But in order for Him to do so, we have to learn to be still. He can’t answer our questions if we never ask, nor if we never listen. He likewise can’t mend what is broken if we never wait for his healing hand to help us.
I have struggled with periods of mental turmoil, physical fatigue, emotional burnout and lack of meaning and purpose throughout my life. Life is hard. But I am learning that as I seek stillness I come to know him better. And as I have come to know him, I feel a little less broken, and my questions become a little less unanswerable.
I hope this inspires you to become better.
All the best,